Monday, March 24, 2008

Milky Nata De Coco

A great party idea... Easy dessert that will imprest your guests enough to make them ask around 'where did you get the idea?' --> From St George hehe...
Ingredients: (for 4-6 people)
1 small pint of your favorite vanilla ice cream (Hagen Daaz a bit too soft for this, suggest to try rougher ice cream)
1 small can of mixed fruit cocktail, drenched
1 packet of nata de coco, drenched
500 ml milk (whole milk or half and half , 2% fat and non fat milk are BANNED)
How to make:
1. Place 1 scoope of ice cream in the middle of small bowl
2. Place 2 tbsp of cocktail and nata de coco circling the ice cream
3. Also circle the milk around the ice cream (around 100-150 ml is enough)

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