Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I suddenly remembered of this 2007 dorama when I was riding the MRT back home. It was a very fun dorama to watch. The idea of 山おんな壁おんな ('Yama Onna Kabe Onna' or 'Mountain girl, Wall girl') may not be amusing for Western culture especially those who promotes feminism because it takes mountain and wall as another way to compare how big your boobs are. However, despite being offensive and blatantly sexual harassment at the workplace hazardous moments throughout the episodes, this dorama sends a wonderful message for ladies out there that what matters is to be confident and comfortable of who you are to be successful despite of your physical appearance.
The story resolves around Megumi's life as a top sales person in the handbag department of a department store. Though appears to be confident and always on top of the game at doing her job, she actually feels very self conscious and not confident at all when it comes to her merely A-cup sized chest. And to make things worse, one fine day, the department welcomes a new transfer girl named Marie (Kyouko Fukuda) who sells handbags effortlessly and has one more asset, a very voluptuous chest (described as a G-cup in the dorama). Definitely feeling the pressure and competition, Megumi, in her own way, tries to overcome all the challenges lying ahead of her and moreover, to overcome her consciousness over her chest.
As I mentioned, this dorama is full of what we would call in reality as sexual harassment at the workplace as the male coworkers literally gawking at Marie's chest and make obvious passes on her. On top of that the dorama very often shows the flying buttons out of Marie's uniform (how convenient). Put aside the feminism issues, this dorama definitely entertaining with added romance department.
Despite being flat-chested, many guys swooned over Megumi and they don't regard her being flat-chested as a hinder and they even praise Megumi's success in her carrier as a plus point.
So girls, the moral of the story is, you just have to be confident and certainly be yourself and good things will come eventually.

Another plus point, I just found out that Matsumoto Jun are in Episode 4! So, definitely not to be missed! And to make it even better, the OST is by one of my favorite boyband, Exile.

Toki no Kakera - EXILE

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